It’s an exciting year for St. Lawrence Catholic School! We are celebrating our 60th Anniversary!
Since its founding in 1961, St. Lawrence Catholic School has continued to provide excellence in Catholic education and make strides in serving our local community. Students learn to serve God and others as well as work for peace and justice. We look forward to this year as we honor the school’s history while looking to the future for what’s yet to come!
As part of the year’s celebrations, we have decided to introduce a school logo only to be used for the 2021-22 school year. You may have remembered that the school underwent a new logo design last year replacing the original. We loved our original logo, but it was time to refresh our image. Since this is a celebratory year, we felt it called for a festive design!

In 1998, our founding Pastor, Msgr. Laurence Higgins along with the school Principal, Mrs. Maureen Hansma, approached Lilianne Rodriguez, our school Registrar, to create the original school logo. Msgr. Higgins wanted to incorporate the letters STL and a Cross in the design. Mrs. Rodriguez says with a laugh, “I used ‘Paint’ back in the day since we didn’t have the graphics technology in the old days.” The school started to use the logo for the 1998-99 school year. Later, when Fr. Tom Morgan became our Pastor, he added the “Make Disciples” verse, and the logo was subtly revised. This “original” logo has been viewed for many years and proudly worn on our uniforms, displayed on our yearbooks, and posted on letterhead and marketing material.
That said, change is exciting, inevitable, and something to be embraced. With the creation of a much-needed Communications Department, an updated school website, and more accessible technology, a simpler and distinctive evolution of the school logo was created. This design is refined and still contains the spirit of the original, and allows for easier scaling for multimedia projects, print, computer viewing and wireless devices. We’d like to thank Maggie Munyon, our Communications Director, for creating the school logo that was introduced during the 2020-21 school year and will be re-used again starting in the 2022-23 school year.
The 60th Anniversary Edition Logo was a collaboration with Maggie Munyon and Danah Lee, our Development Director. Both felt that this was the beginning of an extra-special year with many reasons to celebrate. The campus has undergone so many changes and just being able to be in the school building is something to celebrate. We are kicking off this 60th Anniversary logo with a celebratory feel, proudly displaying our school colors, confetti, and a little touch of gold! There are two versions of this logo, one black and one white, to be used interchangeably and to have options based on whether using on print, fabric, or digital devices.
Thank you to all the staff that helped us “narrow down” designs and offered advice and ideas! Let’s celebrate!