As a mission-driven Catholic school community, Saint Lawrence endeavors to build God’s kingdom through the many ministries we offer. Family, a sacred ministry given to us by God, is foundational in spreading His love and the Gospel message throughout Earth. In our efforts to empower our Saint Lawrence families to grow in and live the Faith, we invite all within the school community to participate in the Discipleship program.
Divided into three parts, the Discipleship program welcomes families to participate in activities that foster growth in the areas of their knowledge, practice, and sharing of the Faith. In keeping with the vision of our founding pastor, Monsignor Higgins, the Saint Lawrence school community maintains a sense of reverence for the sacredness of family, abiding by Monsignor Higgins’ words, “It all begins in La familia!”
In Mark 4:19, Christ calls his first disciples, proclaiming, “come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” As His disciples today, we can use the acronym fish as a device to remind us of what we must focus on to follow Him and build His kingdom.
Faith: Faith is one of the three theological virtues. It is called theological because it is given to us by God at Baptism. It is the the anchor of trust that tells us that God is our eternal father and the author of our lives; it is the gift that He gives us to strengthen us when we do not understand the vast mysteries of His beautiful creation. This trimester, what can your family do to grow in your knowledge of the Faith? How can you better come to know Him who loves us so? What resources such as, literature, or films can you enjoy with your family to grow in your knowledge of the Faith? As a family, what can you create to showcase all that you have learned together?
Inspiration: Saint James states in the seventeenth verse of the first chapter of his letter, “all good giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” How can we use the good gifts God has given us to inspire our brothers and sisters? Three ways in which we inspire God’s children, known as the three transcendentals, are through beauty, goodness, and truth. Our Church grows when people feel inspired to join and hear the gospel message. How can you use your knowledge of the Faith and the unique talents and skills God has so generously given you to evangelize, and inspire the hearts and minds of others? Is there a liturgical ministry you could join as a family? Do you have artistic abilities you might share?
Service: Charity, also known as love, greatest of the three theological virtues, is embedded in our very souls. Put simply, we were made for love! We exercise charity when we serve others. In Matthew 25: 45, Christ says, “Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.” Just as Christ served others during His public ministry, we also are called to serve our brothers and sisters. In what ways can you serve in the community, acting as Christ’s hands and feet, ministering to those in need? Matthew 25, a ministry near and dear to our hearts references in its namesake the fundamental role service plays in our Faith. What can you do with your family to serve a world that desperately needs your light and love?
Holiness: Saint Peter tells the Church in 1 Peter 2:9 “you are a chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people: that you may declare his virtues, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” How can you live this truth out with your family? How can you grow in holiness together? On Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation during the trimester, after attending Mass please briefly reflect as a family on the lessons shared during the liturgy and record those lessons in a log/journal; during this year of the Eucharistic Revival, participate in Eucharistic Adoration; go on pilgrimages and visit different holy sites. Take photos to share your journey with others.

Discipleship Award Program