Dear STL Families,As we approach the mid-year mark, many families reach out to teachers seeking support in academic areas. This message is to point you toward a few of the resources we have at our fingertips that are research-based and proven to work when used consistently.

  • Students have access to MobyMax, a program that can provide personalized instruction in reading, math, science, and social studies. 20 hours per school year will yield an increase of one grade level. This equates to thirty minutes per week, or 10-15 minutes twice per week. Even the busiest of schedules should allow for this small investment of time.
  • IXL is widely used across the school and provides wonderful tutorials and skill plans. Many of our grade levels work on weekly diagnostic updates, which populate student “recommendations.” The activities in Recommendations are customized to your child in reading or math based on his/her answers to questions in the Diagnostic. They might be below grade level or well above, and the practice helps to fill any gaps that might have occurred during the COVID years. Additionally, there are Skill Plans (under the Learning tab) that correlate directly to our math and reading programs, as well as an NWEA MAP Skill Plan, which provides support and practice for all students seeking to purposefully improve progress on the January MAP tests. 
  • Which One to Use? Some children prefer one of the above programs over the other. Find out which one your child prefers and build it into your study program. Consistent effort leads to results. Both programs allow students to fill gaps in prior grade levels and/or progress in advanced skills beyond their grade levels. Not all students love or even like this style of learning (or tutoring), but it is a valuable resource available to us and it works when students work. 
  • Reading Help: Give your kids a boost as they work on developing reading comprehension skills by partner reading novels with them. This is great for older kids who are hesitant readers. Force the issue; you will find that they end up enjoying the time you spend with them (even if they are hesitant or resistant at first). Read the first pages or chapters TO your child and help talk him/her through establishing who the characters are and when/where the setting takes place. Gradually, start sharing the book as each of you takes turns reading each page. This helps them hear proper fluency and it helps you correct any errors in word pronunciation. It also gives you the chance to explain any advanced word meanings or clarify student interpretation of what is happening in the novel.
  • Math Games: Math games provide another effective supplemental way to help students build number sense and fluency. Browse through the following links to find suggestions for the skills your child might need to build or improve. If you don’t find what you are looking for, please reach out to your child’s math teacher, Mrs. Mondor, or myself and we will help guide you to the right resources! Try a family math game night using ideas found at the links below.

Need help with usernames, passwords, or program navigation? Please reach out and I will be happy to assist you.Many blessings,
Dr. Heather Womersley, Ed.D.