2023 Summer Art Camps will have 3 available sessions led by Mrs. Pavlakis. Spots will be limited and on a first come basis. Open to incoming PK4 – 5th grade students.
Week of June 5 – 12:30 – 3:30 pm (M – F) FULL
Week of June 12 – AM Session – 9 am – 12 pm (M – F) FULL
PM Session – 1 pm – 4 pm (M – F) SPOTS STILL AVAIABLE
Students should bring their own snack and drink. Any students attending both morning and afternoon sessions should bring snacks, drinks, and a lunch. (This includes students attending the VBS camp.)
COST – $150 per session.
REGISTRATION FEE – One time $25 non-refundable fee for all and any camps you wish to sign your child up for.
STL students will be billed through your FACTS account.
* Students from other local parishes should pay camp costs and registration fees with a check made out to St. Lawrence, or cash due on the first day of the camp week.