Edge Youth Ministry is started up again! Every other Tuesday from 6 pm – 8 pm in our New Youth Center!
What is Edge?
Edge is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program. It provides a safe fun place for youth to find a solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Edge resources speak to the physical, psychological, cognitive, relational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth. Edge resources make it easier for youth ministers to plan out their semesters of Edge Night, retreats, and to train a team of adults, the Core Team, to assist them in the ministry. The resources present Catholic teaching in a way that young people can understand.

Come to EDGE Summer Camp With Us!
What is EDGE Camp?
- EDGE Camp is a weeklong summer camp experience sponsored by Lifeteen International. It is a week full of fun, high adventure, prayer, reflection, and more!
Where is EDGE Camp?
- EDGE Camp takes place at Lifeteen Camp Hidden Lake in Dahlonega, GA which is roughly a 10-hour drive from St. Louis. I have arranged to share a charter coach with St. Joseph in Cottleville to get us there and back.
When is EDGE Camp?
- June 13th-June 18th, 2022 which is a Sunday through a Saturday. In order to arrive at camp on time Monday, I would anticipate a Sunday evening departure.
What does EDGE Camp cost?
- The cost of EDGE Camp is $600 per person. This includes transportation as well as all lodging, meals, programming, etc at camp. Meals on the way to and from camp are not included.
SPOT ARE LIMITED Please Contact ajohnson@stlawrence.org for a spot to Hidden Lake Camp

Summer Activities For All Ages!
K-5th Grade
Welcome to St. Lawrence VBS Treasured 2022!!
Embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles. At Treasured VBS, kids dig into action-packed, faith-filled adventures. They’ll discover God’s greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold—it’s them!
From June 6th -June 10th, 9am – 12pm
VBS is for K-5th grades$65.00 per youth
Contact ajohnson@stlawrence.org for information and registration.
6th-12th Grade
Youth Volunteers (Free) can be 6th – 12th grade & adult volunteers please contact ajohnson@stlawrence.org.

Good Samaritan Project (GSP) for 8th-12th Grade
Youth Spend one week at Bishop Mclaughlin High school serving the community at large. Youth can get Service Hours (35- 40 hours)More than 300 teens representing 19 schools and parishes in Tampa Bay chose to spend part of their summer vacation serving others as part of the Good Samaritan Project organized by the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office. The students volunteered in Pinellas, Pasco, and Hernando Counties and experienced a transformation in faith as well! Dates: June 20th -25th Cost: $250