The National Junior Honor Society was established in 1929 as a prestigious academic club based on the pillars of scholarship, character, citizenship, leadership, and service. Today, chapters exist in more than 60% of the nation’s public and private middle schools across America. NJHS is sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, which also sponsors National Honor Society at the high school level.
At St. Lawrence Catholic School each year, seventh and eighth grade students who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.8 in four consecutive trimesters (three sixth grade trimesters plus first trimester of seventh grade or three seventh grade trimesters plus first trimester of eighth grade) are invited to apply for NJHS membership. Then, a five-member faculty committee evaluates these potential members on the basis of their character, leadership, service, and citizenship beyond their scholarship achievements. Students’ approaches to learning and conduct grades are considered along with extra-curricular activities, service projects, and interactions with others within the school.
Selection into the society is not a right, it is a privilege bestowed by the faculty. Receiving an invitation and completing the application essay does NOT equivocally mean that a student will be elected to membership.
Students who are selected for NJHS are inducted during a specially designated mass. They are commended for demonstrating their proficiency in the areas of character, citizenship, scholarship, service, and leadership and are expected to continue to meet the St. Lawrence society requirements and to exemplify the five pillars of NJHS. Members meet on a consistent basis throughout the school year and must complete a minimum of two service projects coordinated through the society. NJHS members seek to address needs within the school as well as in the community, illuminating these members as leaders of their class.
For further questions, please contact one of our NJHS advisors on staff: